Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour tonight

Earth Hour is just a few hours away. I'm not at all convinced it will achieve anything, but will be doing my part by turning off all our lights and using a solar flashlight. If there were any Earth Hour parties nearby, I'd probably go to one, but my city doesn't have much planned for tonight.

What bothers me about Earth Hour is that so many of the buildings that will be darkened for an hour could be left darkened all night, every night, and yet continue to waste lots of electricity by being fully lit 364 nights per year. I'd like to see us move beyond symbolic gestures and start making permanent, meaningful changes.

Despite my reservations, I'm eager to participate in Earth Hour, because it's the first opportunity I've had for ages to act in conjunction with other environmentalists. It's nice to think about other people turning off their lights at the same time I do.

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