Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Items collected Tuesday, November 4, 2008

  • 1 aluminum can (Safeway seltzer water)
  • 1 plastic bottle (Giant Acadia water)

  • 2 small plastic bags

  • 1 plastic bag too torn for reuse
  • several loads of random trash from a lawn

I'm not in the habit of picking up anything I know to be non-recyclable trash, but made an exception today when I went past a house of worship that had litter dumped on its lawn, which is usually immaculate. I'm not affiliated with the religion practiced by this house of worship, and, to be frank, I consider it just plain silly. However, in an area where houses of worship are often obnoxious and make life difficult for non-members, I appreciate this house of worship for being a good neighbor, and I decided to remove the trash before the wind picked up and scattered it everywhere. There's a trash can a short distance from where the litterbugs had struck, so it was easy to run back and forth a few times until all the litter was gone. This lawn is also where I found the seltzer water can listed above.

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